segunda-feira, 6 de abril de 2009

7 things to do on a morning without class

~> Wake up one hour later then usual.

~> Get a walk on the bright white sun (have you ever noticed how white the sun is by the morning? just like the sky, that looks even bluer - more blue, idk - after a clowdy storm...).

~> Do to a newsstand, but don't buy anything, just flip through every interesting piece of paper in front of you.

~> Mark an appointment or a meeting and cancel it (makes you feel important).

~> Rent a couple of good movies.

~> Read a new book / Listen to a new song.

~> Lay down on your favorite couch in front of a TV (turned off, of course) and just keep watching the mirrored images at the dark screen.

....Or, it you prefer, just sleep all morning....

Amour, Imagination, Rêve

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